LITE- The U.S. novel After 1945 (En inglés)

In "The U.S. Novel After 1945" students will study a range of canonical novels published between the conclusion of World War II and the present.

22 enero, 2024


Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, CO   Ver mapa

In “The U.S. Novel After 1945” students will study a  range of canonical novels published between the conclusion of World War II and the present. Though broadly viewed as a period of “postmodern” invention, we will trace formal and thematic developments in the novel that resist easy categorization, and account for the ways that changes in institutions like the publishing industry and higher education shaped fiction’s engagement with history and its readers. The syllabus will include works by Ralph Ellison, Flannery O’Connor, Vladimir Nabokov, Jack Kerouac, J.D. Salinger, Thomas Pynchon, Toni Morrison, and Don DeLillo, among others.

 Profesor: Luke Barnhart
Prerrequisitos: N/A
Equivale a: Electivo profesional o NO hispánico avanzado
Ejes: Por definir