Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, CO Ver mapaCategorías
2024-20 , Área no hispánica , Electivas profesionales/Talleres , Humanidades y LiteraturaThe poet William Carlos Williams wrote that “a poem is a small (or large) machine made out of words.” This class will consider lyric poems as machines for thinking, taking up the question of poetry’s relationship to abstract, propositional thought. We will ask what kinds of thoughts poems—as opposed to other genres of written discourse—allow us to think, and explore how poems embody thought through careful attention to the mechanics of lyric form. The class will be organized by units devoted to themes that the poems address, including love, nature, society, things, death, and poetry itself. While discussion of these themes will range broadly with the aim of maximizing relevance for each person in the class, our focus will be on the individual poems in front of us. Readings will include lyric poems and theoretical/philosophical essays on poetry and poetics.
Profesor: Luke Barnhart
Prerrequisitos: N/A
Equivale a: Electiva avanzada del área no hispánica o Electiva profesional.
Ejes: Interpretación y crítica o Teorías y problemas.